You may have been neglecting some typical electric issues in your old house, however, you ought to know that a lot of these are extremely damaging. If you have actually not carried out an examination of usual electric issues in your old house, please get in touch with Marc Shanley.

Video Transcript:

Hello everyone, This is marc Shanely from Trinity inspection.

I want to look at a couple of electrical issues today on kind of our tile. Today is how not to terminate wires and how not to connect wires while I’m in an older home and I just want to show you a couple of areas here. Here’s the one you can see. This looks like used to be some range Cord. You can see some taping. It’s kind of abandoned here.

I’m not quite sure, I’m somewhere underneath the kitchen but I’m not even close to where its range is. So, once again, I’m not quite sure what they had here but this looks like range scored. That is not how you terminate wires. They should be terminated in a junction box. And so that should be rectified. If we walk over here. I’m going to show you a couple of things. We have some knob and tube wiring it’s home.

And here is actually some right here. We’ll see if I can hold my light and point out to you at the same time. We’re gonna have a go at this. Right here, you see this is not how you terminate knob and tube wire.

So we actually have another issue here that has to be addressed. There is also another one. Over here. I don’t want to show you. This is probably the worst of all. There’s actually some, there’s some damage here. This is knob and tube wire. Once again this is up in a small space is going to be a little hard to see. But you have Romex wire and you have some knob and tube wire with some taping that’s been done. You can see some damage to the wire to the cloth on the outside. And back here, you can see some taping that has been done. We probably have some issues underneath there. So this taping, these connections, this damage should all be rectified by a professional electrician as soon as possible. Thanks for joining me Marc from Trinity inspection.